The developer of the Flexible Access Multiplexer Equipment (FAME) is the Industrial Commercial Associacion (ICA) “CommTechService”
Manufacturer and exlusive distributor of FAME equipment in Ukraine:
“CommTechService” Ltd.
Address: Zahisnikiv Ukrainy st. 9, office 501/502, Chernihiv, 14030, Ukraine.
tel: +38 (0462) -674-254, -614-291
tel/fax: +38 (0462) -651-639
e-mail: goma(no_spam) web-сайт:
Tech support: +38 (050) 465-84-87, e-mail: support(no_spam)
On the city map: |
Driving scheme: |
Geo coordinates: +51°30′37.78″ +31°20′05.19″ |
Bind coordinates: N 51.510494 E 31.334775 |
Download the *.kml file for Google Earth (zip-archive) |
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